About Us

Finally, someone asked about our favorite topic... us.

Well, we love us and we think you should too.

You should also love yourself.

Our wish is for you to use our products to express yourself with minimal effort. What will you do with all this extra time and space? How about some self care? Cool.

Just live your best life, ok?

Welcome, We're thrilled that you've found your way to our sarcastically fabulous corner of the internet. 

At Current Mood Clothing, we firmly believe in living your best life, unapologetically. We want you to express yourself effortlessly and make bold statements without having to say a word. That's why we've created a collection of beanies with attitude, embroidered with sassy messages that speak volumes. From the straightforward "go away" to the preemptive "no thanks," our beanies serve as your partners in crime for self-expression.

It's our joy inject some much-needed lightheartedness into life's too-serious moments. That's precisely why we're here. We want to provide you with the perfect outlet to add a touch of personality and a whole lot of attitude to your everyday situations. Our beanies do the talking for you. 

So, welcome to the Current Mood Clothing family. We're here to empower you to live your best life, unapologetically. Our beanies are your secret weapons for self-expression, allowing you to navigate life with a healthy dose of attitude and a sprinkle of sass.

Thank you for joining us on this sarcastic adventure. Together, let's make a statement, express ourselves, and savor every moment of being true to who we are. After all, life is too short to be anything but our authentic selves.